Through the Risk & Sustainability Committee, the Board of Directors (Board) maintains oversight of all sustainability impacts and activities across Ramelius. The Company strives to conduct business in a sustainable manner, guided by the following hierarchy:
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The Board sets strategic direction and defines strategic objectives within a specified risk appetite. The Board also enacts policies that are relevant to the management of climate-related risks.
Ramelius also takes guidance where possible from the Mining Principles published by the International Council on Mining & Metals. These define good practice environmental, social and governance requirements for the mining and metals industry through a comprehensive set of performance expectations related to tailings management, pollution, waste, resettlement and mine closure.
Ramelius aligns its environmental, social and governance policies and activities across its operations to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Ramelius reports against 9 SDGs that most align to its business strategy and stakeholder priorities. Ramelius’ progress towards the SDGs can be found within its Sustainability Reporting.
The Ramelius materiality process takes guidance from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and takes into account feedback from internal and external stakeholders. Ramelius conducts internal materiality reviews with the Company’s Sustainability Working Group and comprehensive external stakeholder surveys to ensure it examines industry context and identifies the most significant impacts on the economy, environment, and people across its value chain.
Through the Risk & Sustainability Committee, the Board oversees sustainability strategy, measures performance, and considers sustainability risks and opportunities. Day-to-day oversight of sustainability operations and administration is the responsibility of the CEO, who in turn delegates specific responsibilities to the senior management team.
The Risk & Sustainability Committee is comprised of Independent Non-Executive Directors, including the Chair, and is appointed by the Board. The Committee reports to the Board a minimum of four times per year on risk management, health and safety, environment and sustainability activities. The Committee periodically reviews company-wide policies relating to these topics. The Committee also oversees the management of specific climate-related risks and opportunities through regular review of global and industry best practice, internal compliance programs and relevant sustainability frameworks.
At a management level, the Ramelius Executive Team, led by the CEO, is tasked with fulfilling Board-approved strategies and policies and associated risk management plans. Management, via the CEO, reports progress and activities to the Risk & Sustainability Committee at each meeting. At a site level, risk registers include risks and mitigation plans at all operations.
Ramelius have in place a formal Sustainability Management Procedure which describes the mandatory steps undertaken in managing its approach to sustainability. This procedure is issued in accordance with the Ramelius Essentials Standard which includes the ‘must do’ requirements for sustainability management. The procedure provides structure for how Ramelius delivers its sustainability objectives:
We will be clear on what we are committed to and how we will approach each area of Sustainability.
We will understand who has a stake in our business, how they are impacted by our decisions and actions and what they need from us.
Our approach to Sustainability will be part of business as usual, understood throughout the Company and incorporated in decision making and business processes.
We will know we are succeeding by establishing practical measures of our Sustainability performance and monitoring achievement against them.
We will be transparent in communicating to our stakeholders our Sustainability commitment, approach, challenges and achievements.